Previous Talks
This page includes a list of previous talks I delivered where links are available. It doesn't include many talks where the video recording isn't published yet or isn't public!
DevoxxUK 2022 - The Polyglot Cloud Native Debugger
Elastic CC - The Polyglot Cloud Native Debugger - Integrating Elastic and Continuous Observability
Fosdem 2022 - Polyglot Cloud Native Debugger: Going Beyond APM
Conf42 Python 2022 - The Polyglot Cloud Native Debugger - Going Beyond APM
Developer Days 2021 - The Polyglot Cloud Native Debugger Going Beyond APM
Pyjamas Conf 2021 - Debug Python Applications in Production Using Lightrun
DevOps With Zack Podcast Interview - A Developers Guide To Polyglot Debugging
AccentoDev 2021 - Getting Back to Sleep as Soon as Possible for the On-call Developer
ApacheCon 2021 - Getting back to sleep as soon as possible for the on-call developer
Conf42 JavaScript 2021 - Debug NodeJS Applications in Production with Lightrun
HashiTalks: Canada on November 18th, 2021 - Debugging Production Applications in Nomad Using Lightrun
OSConf 2021 - The Ployglot Cloud Native Debugger